DSIA was founded in 2004 by three families seeking greater access to support, information, and services in our community. Since then, we’ve grown as a dedicated non-profit organization serving Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado, Nevada, Yuba, Shasta, Solano and Sutter counties.
Our Mission
The Down Syndrome Information Alliance provides support and resources to empower individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and our community.
Our Vision
We envision a community where people with Down syndrome are empowered, respected as individuals, and accepted as valued participants in neighborhood schools, community activities, and the business world.
Meet the Board of Directors
Meet DSIA’s County Representatives
Heather Scott, Program Coordinator

Please help us WELCOME Heather Scott as our newest DSIA Program Coordinator! Heather is excited to be back with our DSIA family.
Heather is one of the original founding members of the Down Syndrome Information Alliance. She took a couple years off to spend some time with my family as her older kids were leaving for college. Together with her husband, Andy, they have six kids. Heather’s oldest child is Gabby, she is 23 years old and has Down syndrome. Gabby works full time at Futures Explored, a film & media company. Heather and Andy have 3 other children in college and 2 in high school.
In addition to Heathers work as program coordinator with DSIA, she is a full-time Infant Educator with the Sacramento County Office of Education Infant Development Program. Prior to Heathers work in the disability community, she worked for Sacramento County as a Deputy Sheriff. Helping people is what Heather does! When she’s not busy working, she enjoys watching her kids play baseball, soccer, lacrosse and swim. Heather enjoys spending time with her dogs Hank and Bex and watching the LA Dodgers play baseball. Heather is so happy to be back helping families in the Down syndrome community!
After experiencing the educational, social, and support benefits offered by other Down syndrome advocacy groups around the country, the Bermudes, Prieto, and Linn families – each having a young child with Down syndrome – formed the Down Syndrome Information Alliance. Together, with Sally Dominguez (whose granddaughter has Down syndrome) and Nicole Besoyan (whose daughter has Down syndrome), these families served as the founding Board of Directors. DSIA became affiliated with the National Down Syndrome Congress and the National Down Syndrome Society and began providing community services in late 2004. By mid-2005, DSIA had connected with local hospitals and became the local source of information for medical professionals and parents. In our first year, DSIA distributed 150 parent guides!
DSIA now provides regular educational symposia, resources, support, activities, and myriad programs for the Down syndrome community.
DSIA is currently accepting applications from individuals interested in serving on the Board. We are currently seeking members with the following interests, expertise, and skills:
- Self-advocate (must be 18 years or older)
- Fundraising/development
- Grant writing
- Education
- Health care professional
For more information contact volunteer@downsydromeinfo.org
Past DSIA Presidents and Executive Directors
Board Presidents
Nancy Muir (2021-2023)
Geralynn Moore (2020-2021)
Rosalinda Gray (2016-2020)
Heather Scott (2012-2016)
Lisa Lindsey, Ph.D. (2010-2012)
Dana Garel (2009-2010)
Samantha Smith (2008-2009)
Heather Green (2004-2008)
Executive Directors
Allison Olson
Elaine Linn (2008-2009)