We depend on donations made by people like you. Your charitable contribution directly funds DSIA’s programs, support, and events.
Did You Know?
• Every year, DSIA gives out hundreds of new parent packages, called Down Comforters, to newly diagnosed families and health care providers all over California.
• DSIA provides quarterly gatherings – Giving our families a chance to come together to ask questions, share stories, and offer support.
• DSIA hosts expert guest speakers, workshops, and clinics based on local families’ feedback and needs. Topics range from nutrition, sibling issues, education support, oral motor/speech therapy, social security and many more!
• DSIA conducts “Changing Lives” training to the Medical Community. This training includes learning objectives like Describing best practices in patient care and family support and Identifying local and national resources on Down syndrome, demonstrate delivery of a new diagnosis of Down syndrome using evidence-based practice guidelines, via role-play and identify personal attitudes and beliefs about Down syndrome and disabilities, and how those beliefs may impact patient care.
• Hundreds of families come together each year at our Step Up for Down Syndrome walk to raise awareness about Down syndrome.
We need your continued support to make this happen.

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