Hospital Partnerships
DSIA partners with local area hospitals to provide the most current information, research and training to medical professionals and staff. Any presentation can be tailored to meet the needs and time commitments of the medical staff. Healthcare Provider Training is available in a 5-60 minute presentation called Changing Lives.
We offer workshops for medical students, nursing students, or current healthcare professionals on Down syndrome diagnosis giving, People First Language, and best practices for patients with Down syndrome. Contact us to request one for your program or students!

Our Changing Lives Hospital Partnerships work to:
A. Inform and educate doctors, nurses, social workers and other health care professionals on the medical and developmental needs of babies born with Down syndrome and their parents.
B. Equip professionals with practical tools for working with babies with Down syndrome and their families.
C. Raise the awareness of health care professionals on how their personal attitudes and beliefs impact the family and the child.
D. Inform partners of local and national resources and materials available to families.
Important reminders when talking to a Newly Diagnosed Family:
A baby with Down syndrome is a baby first – who also has Down syndrome. Remember to say “Congratulations!”
Get correct information to parents as soon as possible & offer a referral to DSIA & our Parent-to-Parent Program.
Deliver a message of hope – You are in a unique position to shape the parents’ attitude toward their baby and their outlook for the future. Parents never forget how they were first treated by health care professionals.
Delivering a Diagnosis of Down Syndrome: DSIA’s one page reference guide for Healthcare Professionals
Medical Information
Law & Policy
Coming soon!
Research & Publications
Other Resources
DSIA’s Parent-to-Parent Program matches families with a Parent Mentor with similar experiences as your own. If you would like to be matched with a Parent Mentor, call DSIA’s Support Line at 916.842.7175 or e-mail
We are happy to offer new parents and baby the following gifts at no charge:
- Down Comforter Package: A New Parent’s Guide to Down Syndrome – DSIA’s parent guide that includes information on Down syndrome, messages of hope and inspiration from local families, and important resources for new parents.
- A Baby First – An original DSIA book featuring local infants and toddlers that shows the beauty of Down syndrome and presents compassionate information written by parents.
- Whispers of Hope – An original DSIA book featuring the experiences of local families raising children with Down syndrome.
- Dreams in Reality – An original DSIA book featuring local adults with Down syndrome living rich and rewarding lives in our community
All this and much more, in a great tote bag!